Posts Tagged ‘Bruny Island’

Day 232

One of the strangest things happened to me yesterday.

Tom turned up and made sure I knew that he was coming with me, both on my scouting trip and to the meeting itself. I think Joel told him what I was planning and asked if he could talk me out it, though Tom didn’t say anything outright.

Two others came with us to scout out the location – Jayani and Danny. Jayani is the best shot we have, and Danny is built like Tom, all height and muscle.

My shoulder was healed enough that I could finally hold my shotgun again. It was good to have my old friend back.

I was grateful that I didn’t have to go alone.

The Cenotaph appeared empty when we arrived.

We started by scouting a big warehouse that was close to the docks – I knew we would need to clear it, to make sure nothing untoward would interrupt us from that direction.

We left Jayani to watch over us from the Cenotaph. There are barely any trees or tall buildings in the area, so she had a clean line of sight to most of the warehouse, and nothing would be able to sneak up on her easily.

The rest of us made our way down towards the water.

We made it to the wall of the warehouse. The metal was surprisingly warm for a winter’s day, though I guess there was more sun than we’d had in weeks.

“You two go around the back – I’ll take the front and we’ll meet in the middle. Move on my signal.” I whispered. Tom shook his head.

“You shouldn’t go alone, you can barely hold your gun up.”

“I won’t be alone, Jayani will be covering me. Besides, I have a reputation to live up to. I’m badass, remember?” I grinned at him.

“You’ll get yourself killed one day…” Tom sighed.

“Probably tomorrow, if all goes to plan.” I replied.

Tom frowned at me. I think he wanted to say something but he let it be and tapped Danny on the shoulder – he’d been keeping lookout.

I moved to my corner of the warehouse and turned back to see Tom heading in the other direction.

He looked back at me, waiting for my signal. I put my finger to my lips and he nodded – we all swapped our guns for melee weapons. I looked up to Jayani, gave her a short wave then one to Tom.

We stood at the same time. I lost sight of them as I rounded the corner. I got to my door and tried to open it slowly. The hinges creaked with rust.

Great. My new hatchet had a rubber handle which was moulded to fit my hand comfortably. They had replaced the head and the new metal shone. I remember thinking at the time that I’d need to scuff it up, so it wouldn’t give me away.

I moved in, scanning the room.

It was full racks of canoes.

There was a door at the other end of the building.

I moved towards it, hatchet at the ready. I had started to pull the door open when it suddenly burst towards me, knocking me off balance.

I fell and tucked my shoulder in, and rolled with the momentum. I rolled out into the middle of the room.

I saw a flash of red. A figure ran past me.

I scrambled to feet, pulling my gun up.

“Stop!” I shouted.

The figure stopped in the doorway.

I held my shotgun to their head.

It was a woman, with fiery red hair. She started to turn. Her hair was ragged and missing in spots.

As she turned I saw that she was also missing a fair portion of her skin on what was left of her face.

One of her eyes was clouded over, just like all the other zombies, but the other was a bright blue, probably her original colour.

I realised that she was the zombie I had seen watching The Boss’ camp from the store, that night in Salamanca.

I’m probably going to kick myself for this in future, but I still feel it was the right thing to do…

I let her go.

She watched my gun as I lowered it. When I let it hang by my side and held up my empty hands, she slowly backed out the door and I lost sight of her.

The rest of the place was empty.

No more zombies.

None of The Boss’ people.

I didn’t tell the others about the red-headed zombie.

We’ve been waiting here all day. We want to be ready if they decide to come early.

Tomorrow, Jayani and Danny will go back up to the Cenotaph, but Tom will stay down here with me.

After The Boss comes, I’ll go out alone and meet him at the end of the pier – we’ve even set up a table and chairs there, just to add to the effect. Then Tom will take Jon and Stone back, and leave me alone with The Boss.

Whatever happens tomorrow… if I die…

Well, if you have read this, all of this, then you know what it is like to survive in world where it’s harder to live than to die.

But please, try.

Try and live for love.

Love of your family.

Love of your friends.

Even love those who cause you grief.

Because without the grief, how can you know how great things really can be?

Wish me luck.

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Day 231

I’m going out on another scouting trip.

I need to go and make sure that the meeting place The Boss decided on is secure.

I am worried that The Boss will try and weasel his way out of the situation – it certainly wouldn’t be the first time.

Joel thinks I’m crazy. He says that as soon as The Boss is finished with me he’ll attack, and Jon and Stone will die anyway.

He doesn’t understand though.

I need to save them.

I have to make sure that they are safe.

I have made plans though. I’ve told Joel that if it does look like The Boss will attack he’s to cut and run. Between him and Troy they’d be okay. Maybe they could go to Lee and Tess’ farm, and use that as a base for a new community… maybe that way we don’t need to lose anyone else.

I’m hoping that The Boss having me will give them a few days to prepare.

I wish I could do more for them.

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Day 230

I talked to The Boss.

I’ve convinced him to meet me in two days.

Down on the docks, behind the Cenotaph where the war memorial is.

It feels fitting to hold our meeting so close to it, hopefully our war won’t need to be inscribed on to its base.

We should be able to get Jon and Stone back…

In exchange for me.

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Day 229

No sign of Jon or Stone.

No easy way of telling where they might be being held either.

My best guess is that they’re in the warehouse. It looks like The Boss has expanded his camp into there.

Most of the tents are gone now – perhaps they moved everyone inside, into the warehouse. It would make sense.

Only one of the fires is still burning. They have chopped down all the trees in the area – they’ll need to start looking elsewhere for fuel if they want to keep it going, if they haven’t already.

I’m rambling again – I’m just so tired.

Anyway, the point is that it is simply too risky to try and bust Jon and Stone out, especially when we only have a guess as to where they are to go on.

So, now I’m going back to Joel to let him know what I am planning.

I’m leaving four of the others here to watch over The Boss, in case something happens.

After I see Joel, I’ll head to the Governor’s House and get on the radio.

I want to see if I can contact The Boss and get him to meet up with me.

Any way I look at this I can’t see an easy solution.

How can he trust me… and how can I trust him?

I’m running out of time though…

What choice do I have?

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Day 228

We made it to the hotel just before sunset last night.

The guys I had left there hadn’t seen Jon or Stone.

Once the sun had been down for an hour or so I lead the way down to The Boss’ camp, following the same route I’d taken on my last visit there.

The tide was out, which made for a slightly more comfortable journey along the waterfront than last time.

We finally made it to my old lookout in the hotel near their camp, a little damp but other than that none the worse for wear.

Now, we wait and watch.

I can’t help but look down at the shops, into their windows…

I know I’m looking…

Looking for the zombie with a working brain.

Shaun Michaels Wannabe Zombie Hunter Logo 1

Day 227

I’m about to leave for the hotel, to meet up with the others.

From there, we’ll head towards The Boss’ camp.

I’m bringing the four from here with me – Jayani, Robin, Mark and Danny. After they volunteered to come with me, I felt that the least I could do was record their names. It isn’t much, I know but should anything happen to them… at least they will be remembered.


I’m planning to do a bit of reconnaissance of The Boss’ camp, and find out where they are keeping Jon and Stone. Maybe even rescue them.

But even if I can’t rescue them straight up, at least we’ll know what their forces are looking like, which will help us plan a proper attack.

I’m hoping that if we can disable them during the rescue, and make it too hard for them to attack us again, then they might go away, meaning minimal losses on both sides.

I know it feels like a fairy tale.

But a guy’s gotta dream, right?

Otherwise, we may as well join the zombies stumbling around in the streets.

Shaun Michaels Wannabe Zombie Hunter Logo 1


Day 226

Joel met me again at the main gate.

He wasn’t smiling this time.

He took me to the radio.

A message was playing on loop.

It was The Boss’ voice.

We have one week to move out of our holdings and surrender to them to him.

He promised no one would get hurt, if we do as he says.

Otherwise, he will kill Jon and Stone.

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Day 225

They aren’t at the hotel.

I’m leaving the two with me at the hotel and I’m going back to Joel.

Hope he has had more luck than me.


Day 223

I haven’t heard from Stone yet.

I’ve been talking with the people over the bridge, and apparently they haven’t heard anything either.

They’ll be sending a few people to stay here while I and ten others go and find out what happened.

I’m really glad I’m right handed.

At least I know I can still defend myself if I have to.

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Day 220

This would have been a lot easier if I had taken the car…

A man came in this morning.

He told us that Troy would be coming to meet us here.

Apparently he’ll also be bringing Stone and his radios.

At least from here, we’ll be able to see if The Boss tries anything along the highway, as it leads directly to the community.

Having the radios will be really useful… I’ll send Stone and Jon to Joel as soon as possible, so we can keep in touch.

I have a feeling that we will be needing more of their bombs, and sooner rather than later.

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